In this tutorial, we will learn how to use Proteus isis. In this tutorial we will not design circuit. Instead, we will see the different funtions of Proteus ISIS.
When you make code such as writing on the LCD then its quite difficult to burn it out again and again. Instead, we design circuit on Proteus and check code. Protus is quite handy and easy.
At this time, i suppose you have installed Proteus ISIS on your PC. If you did not do it then click on the following link and install it.
Click on Proteus ISIS icon and it will be appear as shown below.
I have divided The Proteus in different section. Section 1 is for toolbar. The first icon is for create layout, 2nd is to open existing layout, 3rd for zooming. Area icon is for design PCB layout.
Sec 2 has two button, one is P and other is E. P is use for operating the part list and E is used for editing the component property.
Sec 3 has alot of functions, its mostly used section of Proteus. we will look easc in our next tutorial.
Sec 4 is used to play, pause and stop the Proteus simulation.
Now, we will see the use of each option. First discuss about sec 2. After pressing at P the following window will appear.
This is the window of component searching. I have searched 18F452 and Proteus automatically show me that component as shown in figure. It is also show its preview and PCB preview. If you are sure that you have chose right component then double click on it or press on OK.
AS shown below, i have searched the component and made a simple circuit.
In this circuit, i used DC supply and ground, which i chose from sec 3 as shown below.
When you make code such as writing on the LCD then its quite difficult to burn it out again and again. Instead, we design circuit on Proteus and check code. Protus is quite handy and easy.
At this time, i suppose you have installed Proteus ISIS on your PC. If you did not do it then click on the following link and install it.
Click on Proteus ISIS icon and it will be appear as shown below.
I have divided The Proteus in different section. Section 1 is for toolbar. The first icon is for create layout, 2nd is to open existing layout, 3rd for zooming. Area icon is for design PCB layout.
Sec 2 has two button, one is P and other is E. P is use for operating the part list and E is used for editing the component property.
Sec 3 has alot of functions, its mostly used section of Proteus. we will look easc in our next tutorial.
Sec 4 is used to play, pause and stop the Proteus simulation.
Now, we will see the use of each option. First discuss about sec 2. After pressing at P the following window will appear.
This is the window of component searching. I have searched 18F452 and Proteus automatically show me that component as shown in figure. It is also show its preview and PCB preview. If you are sure that you have chose right component then double click on it or press on OK.
AS shown below, i have searched the component and made a simple circuit.
In this circuit, i used DC supply and ground, which i chose from sec 3 as shown below.
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