
Introduction To PIC Microcontroller


Welcome to the start of the tutorial. These tutorial will teach you from the beginning of PIC Microcontroller. I will not include any internal architecture diagrams because this may only lead to confusion.

To start, let's take a look at the data sheet of PIC 18F452 .

The 18F452 has  1536B of RAM and 16k of program memory. It has four port namely as porta, portb, portc and portd. Each port has eight pins. As shown in figure the pin num RA belongs to porta and same as for RB, RC and RD.


These are the power supply pins. VSS is ground and VDD is the positive supply pin. The range of supply is 5V to 3V. The maximum supply is 5V and minimum is 3V. (above 5V the IC can damage so be carefull).


Since microcontroller has some kind of timing, so we connect an external clock with these pins.


In normal mode this pin connect to the positive (5V) supply. Specially, this pin is used to erase the memory location.

(RA0 to RA7) to (RD0 to RD7)

These are the bidirectional ports. That can be configured as an input and output. The number following RA0, RA1 is the bit number.

INT1 and INT2

These is an another clock, which operate an internal timer.


There are two ways for programming, the easy and DIY way. The easy way is to buy a PIC burner, which will connect to your PC and you can program it by using software. The DIY is to build your own burner and use free software to program it.

In these tutorial, first we will learn the programming of PIC and will see the simulation by using Proteus. Then we will proceed to the harware.


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1 comment:

  1. I need PIC4553 USB motor controller sample circuit with code


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